In order to grant professional knowledges about Business Continuity, there are two international organism focused only in BCM. These are the agencies that are currently recognized:
- DRII (Disaster Recovery Institute International) (
- BCI (Business Continuity Institute) (
For historical reasons, DRRI has more recognition and is best known in America, in both North America and Latin America, and Australia, since BCI has more presence in Europe and Asia.
The certification schema of both entities are very similar and is based on passing an exam y accredit the experience in different Business Continuity domains.
The different types of accreditations are the following one;
- CBCI: Basically, means passing the exam.
- AMBCI (Associate Member): Statuary member, it has the same vote right and possibilities to be elected as staff of BCI. To archive the accreditation is required to be CBCI and accredit a year of experience with two difference referenced.
- SBCI (Specialist) Specialies has to demonstrate at least two years experience in BCM one of the 6 domains of continuity: Policy and management, analyst, strategic services, response, planning and support, testing and audit and training and awareness. It could also valid to demonstrate experience in a related discipline, like information security risk.
- MBCI (Member) must demonstrate being working as business continuity practitioners with at least three years full time experience in BCM. They will need to pass the BCI Certificate at the higher “Pass with Merit” rate.
The exam is managed by Prometric , although a registrarion in BCI is required befoure the exam. The exam is based in the Good Practice Guide GPG .
The accreditations are very similar:
The exam is in-class and there are periodical scheduler all around the world. In Europe there are organized from Italy.
Business Continuity accreditations in Spain have less recognition than others accreditations related with Information Security, like CISA, from ISACA, or CISSP from ISC2, and are difficult to achive because of the language and the scheduling of exams, but they have a high value in a medium and long term.
The accreditations are very similar:
- ABCP (Associate Business Continuity Professional) Equivalent to CBCI, thats mean accredit pass the exam without experience requirements
- CFCP (Certified Functional Continuity Professional) Requires pass the exam and demonstrate 2 years of experience in tree knowledge areas (SME: Project initiation and management, Risk Evaluation and control, Business Impact Analysis, Develping BC strategies, Emergency Response and Operations, Developing and implementing BC plans, Awareness program and Training, Maintaining and Exercising BC plans, Crisis Comunications and coordination with external agencies).
- CBCP (Certified Business Continuity Professional) Requires pass the exam and demonstrate at least 2 years of experience in 5 knowledge areas.
- MBCP (Master Business Continuity Professional) Reserved for specialists in business continuity, evaluated by DRii, with more than five years of experience in, at least, 7 knowledge areas.
The exam is in-class and there are periodical scheduler all around the world. In Europe there are organized from Italy.
Business Continuity accreditations in Spain have less recognition than others accreditations related with Information Security, like CISA, from ISACA, or CISSP from ISC2, and are difficult to achive because of the language and the scheduling of exams, but they have a high value in a medium and long term.
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