ICTs are one of the resources that will be affected most because of their dependency on power supply. Blackout in India scenario shows resiliency examples of companies which principal business is IT services, as we can read on this article about Winpro, Genpact and WNS, but is not a trivial matter.
However my thoughts go in other way: Can this scenario be really included in the BC scopes?
In a first approach it seems clear that this scenario has to be included, but thinking on it deeply, our customers will probably be affected by the same problem, so it has no sense to be able to deliver our service if our customers are not going to receive it.
In a globalized world, in which we can have customer located near us or in the most remote place of the earth perhaps this thoughts has no sense, but we have to take into account that most business are done locally, with companies and organizations very close one to the others. Resource investments on this scenarios are not justified too much.
As an example, we can think on a clothing store: It’s difficult to have our store plenty of customers in a situation of a blackout like the one taken place in India. Every street and every shopping center are in dark
As a conclusion, and as an advise as well, when defining the scope of our Business Continuity plans we must evaluate the scenario thinking on the situation of our customers because perhaps I recover my services and there is nobody use it.
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